Name : Aiman Syaaban hj Azahari
D.O.B : 28th may 1984
P.O.B : Kuantan, pahang
Zodiac Year : rat
star sign : gemini
sun sign : gemini
hair : black
eyes : dark
skin : beige
siblings : 5 ; I'm the eldest and the only boy
occupation : undergraduate; major in marketing
colour : black, white, blue, red, soft green, earthy colour, turqouise, orange
food and drink : anything with cheese!!!! ice-cream, chocolate, coffee (addicted to coffee), potatoes, roast beef and lamb, most of all, my mom's cooking!!!
movie : mary poppins, sound of music, tuesday with morrie, closer, notthing hill, osama, children of heaven, pretty woman, sepet, rabun, kaki bakar, jogho....banyak lagi ni....
book: tuesday with morrie, 5 people you'll meet in heaven, taming of the shrew, pride and prejudice, hamlet, keluarga gerilya, atheis, V.C andrews saga, i love books..there's alot more to mention...
songs : i listen to almost everything...almost.
person : my late granparents, my parents, Muhammad bin Abdullah, Dr. Mahathir, Sun Tzu, Pramoedya Ananta Toer, Achdiat K. Mihardja, Imam Ghazali, W.H Auden,Dylan Thomas, William Shakespeare, Dinsman, Mitch Albom, Kristen Jit, Khalid Salleh, U-wei, Yasmin Ahmad.
hobbies : watch movies, reading, gossiping, bitching, sleeping, thinking (muhasabah), smoking.
sexuality : Bisexual ; ain't staight enough to be straight, ain't gay enough to be gay..hahahaha..
girlfriend : no
boyfriend : no
fettish : hahahaha... a lot!!!! let it be known, that i am a very kinky person, and i'm up to anything, except for animals...
if you are cought in a fire, name 3 things that you would take with you : my wallet, my cellphone, my Quran.
cartoon character : He-man, She-ra, care bears, voltron, smurf, thundercats, my little pony and friends, little lulu, mighty mutant ninja turtles..hahahah...i love watching cartoons, even today!!!
1st love : Julia roberts...(1st love never dies)
latest infatuation : kristen kreuk, anjelina jolie, orlando bloom, and chad michael murray, told ya i was bi!!!
define sexy : confident, kinky.
describe you perfect day : wake up, have a very big greakfast with my family, meet my friends up and we have picnic by the lake, go for skinny dipping, in the evening, all of my friends, and my family having BBQ, we'll have 2 whole lamb, chicken, beef etc. then we all catch a movie and kiss goodbye before we leave. go back to my house, grab a cup of coffee and a good book before i go to sleep.
tell us the biggest secret about yourself : if i tell you, it won't be a secret anymore isn't it?
most disgusting behaviour : hahaha, adalah....
best family vacation :when we went for umrah in 2001, the first time me and my dad sat together and talk without fighting...he showed me the side of him i'v never seen.
ever thinking of getting married : day...haven't decided yet.
describe you wedding day : something small, my friends, and close family, night, with a lot of lilies... (i love lilies)
children : tak pernah pikir... but i love kids!!!
sea or lake : both!!! I love water...
city or village : somewhere in between...
handcurf or silk scarf : hohoho...i'm up to anything...
describe you when you're old : grumpy fat old jeezer that lives in a farm, would want to live in a farm, and have my grankids to come and visit me often...i love children...
othello or macbeth : macbeth...i like him!!!! pure evil!!!
Mcdonald or Burger king : hail the Burger king!!!!
describe briefly about you : kinky yet decent, daring yet decent, bitchy yet decent. suka golek-golek, i'm a sloth. I'm a very evil person, yet very kind hearted. I read a lot still i have a lot to learn; i have multiple personality disorder. i'm 21 yet i know there's still a kid inside of me. i'm humble yet i have a soaring ego.unpredictable mood swing, i'm the type who need "my very own fucking space". stage is my sanctuary, allah is my light and life is my winding road.
enough said.
It's Personal. Entirely that.
9 years ago
1 comment:
kau dah lack of attention yea...hehe aku tgk hang nye biodata kan, cam tgk diri aku nye sendiri! FREAKY.... biatch! hehehe luv yah!!
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