Thursday, August 11, 2005


I was at this kedai makan having my supper when I accidentally heard a conversation in between 2 friends who sat at the table next to me. One part of the conversation really attracted my attention, and thanks to the person who utters these words, it became a print in my memory. It goes something like this;

A: hey entahlah, pasni aku kena mintak tobat lah kat tuhan!! (laugh)
B: tulah ko balik nanti mintak lah ampun ngan tuhan ko.(serious)
A: aik? Apasal? Tuhan ko tak sama ke ngan tuhan aku? (still laughing)
B: kalau macam nilah attitude ko, I don’t think we believe in the same god kot…

BAMM!!! At that point it struck me like a thunder blot; I was stunned, and at the same time found a new respect towards the person who uttered those words. He made me think about what he said the whole week before I came up with a conclusion, and that whole week, I can’t help but to wonder…

GOD: we may believe in the same religion, but do we believe in the same god?

Astaghfirullah… jauh betul perginya, but that was the question in my head. And for that whole week, I started to pray, because I know, by having these questions, I can just do it alone, I really need the guidance from Allah himself. Alhamdulillah, aku dapat berjumpa dengan jawapan yang sekurang-kurangnya memenuhi ruang-ruang itu, untuk setakat ini.

Ok, let me go back to the basic , for us, the Muslims (also applicable to the non-believer) we were given the guideline of what Allah taala is like, all of it has been described in the sifat 20 and Asmaul-husna. It is in the nature of human being that when we are talking about a person or a thing, we tend to built up the picture as well as characteristic of the thing we are talking about, thus, we may believe in the same god, that is Allah, but DO we believe in THE same GOD? Secara hakikat nya, perkataan TUHAN itu hanya satu kata nama dan kata ganti diri yang kita letak untuk menamakan the Supreme being that we believe upon blind faith; and for different people , they have their own Supreme being worthy to be call TUHAN as well.

I know, some wouldn’t agree with what I am saying but the fact is, why must I be hypocrite about it, I remember recalling a few people who lives bertuhankan object lain selain daripada Allah taala sendiri. There are those who worship MONEY, for them money is everything, with money you can do money, when other people are suffering because they have lack of money, you can live lavishly happy with your money, so what is more powerful than the force of money? Duit adalah segala-galanya, you can even repent by just paying your zakat and give out some charity. That is all you need to buy your way to paradise.

There are also some others who worship their LOVE ones, bagi mereka orang yang mereka cintai adalah segala-galanya. Mati hidupku hanya untuk orang tersayang, ada yang sanggup starve themselves just because their loved ones tak merestui sesuatu kerjaan yang mereka lakukan. Ada yang merangkak pergi MEMINTA their love ones to love them eventhough obviously the other party is using them for their own pleasurement. Ada yang sanggup mati hanya semata their love one ran away to someone else. To love a person doesn’t justify your action to worship them. Apa guna menyembah dan menghambakan diri kepada yang berfikir mengikut kata nafsu? Itukah tuhan yang kau cari? Maaf kalau aku agak terkasar bahasa, tapi kalau sudah sampai worshiping your love ones, my suggestion would be, go to pejabat agama, fill in boring keluar Islam, dan dalam column “agama yang dianuti sekarang”, put there the name of your love one, kalau diluluskan, you are making the world latest record, that is to be the founder of a new religion. Nauzubillah…

Ada jugak yang menjadikan society as their supreme being, as most of us is. We are afraid what would the society say about us, we live by the rule set by the society even though sometimes, those rules are being made up and contradict with Allah’s will. The society is the best way of spreading this new “religion” and that everyone is obligated to go with the society instead of one’s own will as well as Allah’s. We were brought up in the mentality of it’s the way of the society is the best. What ever you do, you have to do it for the society’s greater good. To a point we’ve forgotten how does it like to be honest, to communicate, to be expressive of our own emotion, and the most importantly how to and to be love. The society emphasis on prejudice, on hate, on hypocrisy, and on anger, every element that are known to bring misery to human life.

I’m not saying that I am All-know, aku juga masih mencari. Alhamdulillah, even with my blind faith, Allah has never failed me in any way, even in my worst; he is still there to provide me his guidance. Insyaallah, kalau aku terus jujur dengan Nya, insyaallah, aku akan sampai ke destinasi yang aku tuju, hanya kesabaran dan Dia sendiri yang akan terus dan terus berjalan bersamaku.

I’m writing this not because I would want to judge, I don’t have the right for that, bukan tahap aku untuk meletakkan hukum, but it would be best for us to take a few moment and re-think, “yes, I proclaim that I believe in HIM, but do I really Bertuhankan Dia?”…

Enough said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

May the Force be with u :-)