Saturday, November 24, 2007

pengapit , anyone?

so, here's the story.

last week Saturday i was at a friend's wedding. It was nice and everything, and all of the sudden i noticed something was wrong with me. something didn't feel right. so i rush up to the room and swallowed 2 uphamols (it's one of those drugs that works like panadol). even after few minutes i still feel that something was still wrong. went to the little boys room to check on my baju melayu. clear. nothing was wrong with the baju melayu. then i started wondering, why do i feel like there's something wrong? is it the crowds? is it the flower arrangements? is it the fact that i had to stand by the parents and greet all the guest? is it because i am so darn cute that it made me feel wrong? ishk. no! aiman, focus!

so there i was standing by the bride's parents (whom actually said to people that i am their anak angkat, wait... is that why i felt wrong?... nope, i just couldn't care less even if they call me their butler.) greeted the guest with my most warmest smile and my innocent charm and still there's this feeling inside telling me " aiman, there is something wrong... with u!". so as we proceed with the wedding reception there were this group of kids from Johor did a few zapin routine. it was cute and stuff but i just couldn't focus much on them with all those feeling inside me.

as the bride's (my friend) brother(also my friend) gave his welcoming speech and some word of advice to the bride and groom, it suddenly struck me. i know what was wrong with me! it was not the food! it was not because i had to entertain a person whom i never expect to see ever again in my life! it was definitely nothing wrong with the drinks, i don't think cordial drinks could get me drunk! it was then i realized, for the 1st time in my life, i feel that i want to get married! i really do wanna get married! hah! there you go. no,this is not one of those marriage of convenience i'm talking about. no, no, it's not one of my "i'll marry a bosnian, or iraqi girl and get beautiful kids and every year will celebrate raya at my house" kindda marriage. it's a marriage in a true concept. and it surprises me that i actually do wanna get married! hah! for a person who avoids commitment, i surprise myself.

for the first time in my life, i'm looking forward for a marriage, for all those fights we are going to have, for all those "i so can kill you rite now" feeling we are going to have, for all those laughters, jokes, happy tears we ( and when i say we, i meant my future wife and me) are going to have. i even look forward for those boring part of marriage, those i-think-your-dad-hates-me arguments, the "honey, i'm home and i'm tired and don't start nagging" moments. the "we just sit in front of the tv set and say nothing to each other" moment.

when i told this to my close friends, they don't know either to be happy for me or to send me to see a shrink. but all in all, i manage to drop their jaws to the floor and pick it up for them. and also, for the 1st time, i'm starting to love my twenties and looking forward for my thirties, and forties, and so on.

so, who'll volunteer to be my wedding planner and my pengapit? i'm all set and ready to get married. just one itsy bitsy problem. can you guys go and look for the girl that i would wanna get married to? any idea people? fieza? khair? en? anyone? any idea? ah, dammit!

enough said.


d|aBoL|c e'En said...

aiman my love,

indeed, u got my jaw dropped...and a sudden rush of content just took its crazy routes all over me.. :)

i know all three of us, fieza, khair and I, with that creative touch of yours, we'll make your wedding the most memorable jotted history in your entire life...

we are, the Fantastic Four you know...only i'm jessica alba and ur the ugly rock-bodied guy..hehehheh

Anonymous said...


K said...

holy matrimony!! oh my freaking gosh! aiman.. u left me speechless. i now look like they hyena from 'lion king'. can't stop grinning, can't stop the tears in my eyes. haih..

and yes, me, feeza n en will rock ur wedding! we'd be the most bizarre wedding planner ever!..

i love u man!..