Thursday, December 22, 2005

it's been a while

To see the world in a different perspective is not something everyone would chose and would do.
The question is, why would anyone want to see the world in another perspective?
By the end of the day, would seeing things in another point of view really helps us to discover what actually lies beneath the surface?
If seeing things in another perspective doesn’t help us from discovering what actually lies beneath the surface, why try to see things differently?
Perhaps by the end of the day, even if it doesn’t really see what lies beneath the closed doors, it would help us to gain some clue of where are we heading and what we would want to do.
And do it in a different way.

It’s been a while,
Makin lama makin resah,
Makin lama makin rindu,
Makin lama makin kosong,
Makin lama makin bodoh.

It’s been a while,
Mungkin sebab itu rasa tak lengkap,
Mungkin sebab itu rasa tak tenteram,
Mungkin sebab itu rasa gelisah,
Mungkin sebab itu rasa bersalah.

It’s been a while,
Sampai tak tahu berapa jauh dah pergi,
Sampai tak tahu arah yang betul
Sampai tak tahu selama ni kuat mengigau
Sampai tak tahu
Sampai tak tahu

It’s been a while,
Ini lah agaknya balasan dia,
Hidup tak rupa orang,
Mati tak rupa mayat,
Kejab betul kejab tidak,
Kejab gembira kejab tidak,
(Yang tidak tu pulak yang selalu datang )

It’s been a while,
Sampai bila nak terus macam ni,
Lurus tidak,
Bengkok tidak,
Naik tidak, turun tidak,
Berjalan tidak, duduk pun tidak.
It’s been a while,
Sampai terlupa bacaannya,
Nasib baik tak lupa niatnya,

It’s been a while,
Hapak bau sebab lama sangat tinggal,

It’s been a while,
Since the last time aku sujud,
Rasa aman,
Rasa tenang,
Rasa darah mula bergerak,
Terasa ringan,
Rasa senang…

It’s been a while,
Sampai aku sendiri lupa,
Lupa apa rasanya untuk sujud,
Sampai aku sendiri lupa,
Lupa betapa tenangnya dapat sujud,
Lupa betapa tenangnya hanya dengan sujud,
Sujud mengadap dia.

It’s been a while.

enough said

1 comment:

K said...

then do it! if u find serenity doing it, then u shud do it