Wednesday, May 04, 2005


kita hidup sentiasa berteman, dalam keadaan susah, senang, ketawa, menangis, sihat, sakit, kita sentiasa berteman, He would always be there with us and for us, and He, knowing the fact that we can never live alone, send us people who would actually be there in front of our eyes, people who would lend us their ears, shoulder, words of comfort, money, car, et cetera et cetera et cetera... even if teman itu tak berada depan mata kita,kita tahu kewujudan entitinya sebagai teman, as a reflection of kewujudan-Nya as a entity, far from vision, but nearer than our own juglar veins. Alhamdulillah...aku berjumpa dengan orang yang bukan sahaja selalu berada disisi, tetapi juga banyak mengajar.
Atah, before knowing you,i didn't believe in soulmates, best friends..yes, but not soulmates,tuhan tu maha adil,the person that i used to dislike is actually the soulmate that i actually did not believe in.kadang-kadang, aku tergelak seorang bila ingat balik,how much i dislike u mase mula aku kenal ko, and i actually dont really know why i dislike u..and i know,that u used to feel the same way..and the weird part is,for no particular reason, we became good friends, when we were in form 4,and from there we took the steps to where we are today..aku teringat masa sam cerita dekat aku," ko ngan atah kan mmg otak sama, bila aku tanya soalan both of not only give me the same answer, but u are actually using the same words!!!" you are always there, eventhough u are literally thousands of miles away from me,i dont really have to tell you everything, cause usually, you'll understand what i'm feeling inside. you are not only my soulmate, but also my guardian angle..
sam,we hit off the moment we meet, you are always there, kau tahan dengan perangai aku,mulut aku, kemalasan aku,kedegilan aku,and most of all, kesundalan aku..hehehehehe...kau jaga aku macam adik ko sendiri,i like the way u stop me from doing "naughty" stuff, i like the way u say," aiman...behave" everytime aku nak menyundal.hahahahaha...
kakak,she's like the big sister i never had, she's the person i can really talk to,tempat nak manja,tempat nak menangis,and she is the person who teaches me who to handle a girl when she's crying,hehehehe...kakak ajar macam mana nak terima kritikan orang,sebab kalau tak bersedia in terms of mental and emotion, memang boleh mengamuk sebelum bunuh diri lepas dengar dia cakap.kakak ajar macam mana nak terima kesalahan diri.sebab tu kalau tak nak sakit hati,jangan mintak nasihat, pendapat, better still,dont talk to her at all!!! hahahahaha
syuhada, stuborn budding bitch!!! hehehehe..subhanallah, degilnya nauzubillah, mulut boleh tahan jahanam, tapi i know hati dia baik, she's turning into a bitch day by day,and she's putting all the blames on me. eventhough we are not soulmates,but we understand each other very well. after knowing each other over the years,and after a few fights,we understand each other very well.. she's like my own little sister, there's nothing that she would hide from me,even if she's doing a good job hidding it from others ,it can never be good enough to hide it from me..kan?
adam,psysically kental and emotionless,tetapi... he is like the little brother i never had, rebelious, and very defensive. walaupun mungkin jahat luarannya,tapi dalamnya baik.dia sangat pandai amik hati orang,and for god knows what ever reason,he is scared of me. hahahahaha..wat ever he do,i would be the first person to know,syuhada selalu marah " awak jangan backing dia sangat boleh tak? dia bukan budak kecik lagi tau!! dia dah besar, he should know how to take care of himself,and he should take responsibility on what he did!!" "awak jangan manja kan dia sangat boleh tak?!! banyak lemak dia nanti." "awakkan, kalau saya marah kat adam, nanti mesti saya kena marah balik,kalau saya buat salah, mesti kena marah,kalau adam semua takpa, manjakanlah adik awak tu banyak- banyak.." it is not that hard to understand him..once u can understand him,you'll definitely love him..that's why he will always be as syuhada said that "budak kecik" in my life.
fieza,tarikh sebenar kenal dia,tak ingat,but what i remember is that the 1st time kenal dia was in the second class of the second day of the second week i entered MMU, class econs. semuanya berpunca dari jam swatch dia yang psycho,macam tuan dia!!! she's the BEST..she's always there for me,we are there for each other always, we practically laugh together,cry together,kalau salah sorang menangis,the other one akan menangis sekali,because we know and we understand what the other is going through. why...? because we've been there,done that,and still finding our way getting over it. the picture we paint maybe colourful,but it ain't pretty.
khair, ada satu ungkapan dulu,mana ada aiman,situ ada khair,mana ada khair,situ ada aiman, mana ada aiman dan khair, situ ada fieza.she was my very taat secratary masa alpha,she'sactually more of my P.A than my secratary..hehehehehe...kalau nak g kl hantar kakak pukul 3pagi sekalipun, she would be there with me. her ignorant amuses me. we use to sit and talk for hours, quarelling over stupid matters, and we rearly agree on the same thing, but still wherever i go, she would always be there.i can never run away from her.she can be very stuborn and posessive.but things changed,people change.
abu, antara manusia yang egonya amuses me to no end.luarannya shallow, very defensive,orang yang tak kenal dia would say, expect the unexpected from him. a very subtle person with his own agenda and issues..once u get a glimpse of who he really is, you can't help but just to love him.
kaduk,a great friend, not good, but great. very protective over his friends, he would go through hell with you if u want him to. knowledgeble about computers and automobiles, not to mention latest technology. he stands frimly on what he believes in, and would always be at the back of people that he loves. open yet not to open. conservative yet not to conservative.
mali is the living example of "a friend in need is a friend indeed." selagi ada daya,dia akan membantu sehingga terkadang dia lupa tentang dirinya sendiri. the love he has for the people he loves can't be measured. hanya tuhan yang boleh balas jasa dia pada aku.
gem..he may look arogant, but he's actually very down to earth, an observer..a very attentive observer..dia suka bertanya, hingga, kadang-kadang aku takut dia pergi terlalu jauh, because sometimes, its not about the questions, its about understanding the questions, and the answers.. its not about the decision, the desicion has been made, its understanding the desicion, that is more important. he can be one hell of a bitch, whenever we are together, other people would actually run looking for sanctuary, cause once we start bitching, we can go all the fact, there's this friend of ours came down to melaka just to let us "bang" him..hehehehe
nuar and me have thing very subtle and often invicible connection, often when we hang out together, we wont really say much, but we enjoy each others company, i remember this one time, we were hanging out together in his room, we sat there silent saying nothing to each other, when we suddenly looked at each other and started laughing for no particular reason. and there'sthis one time, he told me how much i mean to him, and that really gave me a big impact.
shrek, he was born with only funny bones, no normal bones in his body.hahahahahaha...once this bastard starts to laugh, everyone around him would start laughing, even if they dont know what the is he laughing at, and once he starts laughing,he can never stop. he makes me laugh even when i'm really down, and he always cheer me up with his often stupid jokes.
once andy starts talking, it would be very difficult for him to stop, yes...thisguy can go on yip-yapping not for hours, but for days..and he keeps on yapping about the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again and over again!! he gets excited easily over sometimes for me petty stuff, and yes, most of the time i would be the victim of his yip yapping...he is THE vain guru. lord knows how VAIN he can be.
kush, you should know how much respect i have towards you, only because u are knowledgeble, but also a very patient man. i envy you for being such a superb writer, actor, performer, not to mention your results, kalau tak gempak, memang tak sah. u excel in everything u do, u have the patient in everything. u live up to the expectation people have towards you,and just you know, i would still love and respect you even if u fail to live up to that expectation u put on yourself.
ain has the ability to manipulate most of my housemate minds with her often psycho and freakish attitude...she's my pertner in mengumpat, dont get me wrong, we are not some lame stupid pengumpat, we are profesionals..kan? hahahahahaha...kalau tak jumpa dia sehari, terjuih-jiuh mulut nie barat menanggung beban nak mengumpat..she is the other half of kaduk and at the same time my full time secratary,sangat taat tapi sangat sundal!! hahahahaha...wurve u.. her like a sister, tapi sayangnya dia tak berani to stand on her own..she need people that matters to her around her all the time to support her decisions, she doesnt know how to stand on her own two feet, and that really drag her into the mess she in today,i can just pray that one day, she would be strong enough to stand up not for the people that she loves, but for herself...
yasseer adalah bahan kutukan aku dan atah, ada je benda yang tak kena kalau aku ngan atah ada..hehehehe...we really are a pain in his ass, tapi he knows that the love we have for him meets no end...
there are many more names for me to mention, but sufice enough for me to realise that among the ways of Him to show us how much He loves us is through our friends, terlalu banyak nama, terlalu ramai orang kalau nak dicatitkan disini,contohnya sara,lina,deana, ajis, deen,et cetera, but it would come to no end...sebab there are actually no words to describe how much they mean to me...and even if they cant be there for me psysically or mentally, i cant be mad..because i learned, that there comes a point in life that u have to walk alone, with no friends to acompany you,but remember,He will always be there..He maybe far from your visions, but closer to you than your juglar veins...enough said.

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